“Pearl Goes to School” is a heartwarming and delightful tale based on the true story of Pearl, a baby lamb with an extraordinary journey. Pearl’s early arrival into the world required special care, setting her on a unique path filled with unexpected adventures. From the farm to the school halls, Pearl’s life takes a whimsical turn when she begins visiting schools, much to the delight of students everywhere.
In this engaging book, Pearl wears her signature blue diaper as she navigates the excitement and challenges of school visits. Her interactions with the children, who eagerly draw pictures and write stories about her, create a magical and inspiring atmosphere. Pearl’s journey is not just about overcoming fears but also about spreading joy and sparking creativity in young minds.
“Pearl Goes to School” is perfect for families with young children and primary grade students. With its blend of real-life events and captivating storytelling, this book promises to bring laughter and inspiration to readers of all ages. Available soon on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, “Pearl Goes to School” is a must-read that will leave you smiling and eager for more of Pearl’s adventures.
Alexa Tenhagen grew up in a rural town in Wisconsin, with the family farm just a short walk away. The first part of her life was spent playing on the farm with her siblings and many cousins, creating lifelong memories. It was on this farm that she discovered her passion for raising animals, which led to her participation in county fairs every summer. Alexa’s farm experiences and active involvement in 4-H and FFA taught her invaluable life lessons over the years.
Alexa Tenhagen grew up in a rural town in Wisconsin, with the family farm just a short walk away. The first part of her life was spent playing on the farm with her siblings and many cousins, creating lifelong memories.